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More rooms
We eventually planned to expand capacity, but it turned out to be opportune to do so now in connection with the ongoing construction. There will be 6 beds in 3 small cabins in front of the barn. This will provide a total capacity for 22 participants including the instructors (18 single rooms and 2 double rooms).

Opening dates
​In collaboration with the construction manager, we have decided that the opening will be in January 2025. The work on the barn and cabins is extensive and time-consuming. Welcome to Søsætra in its winter attire in 2025!
More rooms
We eventually planned to expand capacity, but it turned out to be opportune to do so now in connection with the ongoing construction. There will be 6 beds in 3 small cabins in front of the barn. This will provide a total capacity for 22 participants including the instructors (18 single rooms and 2 double rooms).

Booking opens in January
We are accepting bookings from January 8, 2024. For booking inquiries, please send an email to post@sosetra.no, and you will be in touch with Ann-Kristin or Mari. If you haven't contacted us before, feel free to send us some information about yourself/your group, and optionally a link to a website.
Head Chef - current situation
We now have several strong candidates for the position of head chef. This fall we will get to know them better and explore how we can best organize the kitchen team. Thanks to everyone who has shared information in their communities. It's still possible to get in touch if you believe this position is right for you.

Test Retreats
In October and November, we are conducting our first test retreats. These will be small groups of friends and acquaintances who want to connect with Søsætra in various ways. We are excited to expand our team and, more importantly, begin gaining experience with Søsætra as a retreat venue.
Main house is finished
The renovation of the main house is now complete. This includes upgrades to bathrooms, kitchens, and significant structural improvements; reinforcement of the structure, upgrading of electrical and plumbing systems, improvements in fire safety. In addition to the structural enhancements, Ann-Kristin has invested countless hours in planning and designing harmonious spaces.